Various Cellulite Removal Options

Nobody could appreciate the appearance of cellulite on the thighs, buttock and abdomen. You might try to hide these unsightly localized fat deposits behind your clothes. You might try various cellulite removal options to enhance the appearance of your thighs and buttock. A low fat diet might not eliminate cellulite from your body, but studies have shown that by reducing total fat intake, the risk of cellulite formation could be reduced.

Cellulite causes

Genetics, hormonal activities, diet and lifestyle are responsible for cellulite formation. The subcutaneous fat layer appears on the thigh, butt or stomach of nearly 90 percent of post-pubertal women. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not associated with obesity. Even skinny women could have cellulite on their thighs and abdomen.

Cellulite diet

Cellulite is not harmful for your health. Nonetheless, you can prevent these ugly fat deposits through proper diet.

Drink plenty of water

You can prevent cellulite by drinking eight glasses of water and fluids per day. Water hydrates your skin. A hydrated skin appears soft and supple. Well-hydrated thick and supple skin could cover the fat layer underneath the skin, reducing the wrinkled and uneven appearance of the skin. You can also consume watery fruits and vegetables in large amounts to hydrate and nourish your skin.

Eat antioxidant rich foods

Toxins and free radicals accumulating in your body could increase the risk of cellulite formation. Cellulite formation could be reduced by consuming antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Include berries and tomatoes in your diet. Blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and cherries will supply your body the phytonutrients capable of combating cellulite.

Consume healthy fats

By regulating fat metabolism, healthy fats could prevent cellulite. Fish oil, olive, seeds and nuts are sources of cellulite busting healthy fats.

Consume vitamin C

Cellulite could be prevented by including foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis. It can increase fat metabolism during physical activities.

Foods to avoid

Certain foods in your diet could increase the risk of cellulite formation. Alcohol, soda and artificial sweeteners and additives are bad for your skin. To prevent cellulite, limit intake of saturated fats. Reduce the salt content in your diet.

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